
Manuscripts from the Regional Museum in Teplice

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The Regional Museum in Teplice digitised two manuscripts from its collections in 2021. The earlier of them is a gradual (shelf mark Or I 2) with hymns for the Mass Ordinary and for fixed feasts, most of which were written in the Cistercian monastery in Osek in 1656. The Cistercian Order is also associated with the list of the dead from individual convents (mostly Bohemian) that covers the period of 1762–1943 and began to be recorded in St Marienstern monastery, Upper Lusatia (shelf mark R2020/28).


List of documents

Graduale de sanctis ad usum ordinis CisterciensisOr I 2; Regionální muzeum v Teplicích; Teplice; Česko
Verzeichnis der verstorbenen Personen des Zisterzienser-Ordens 1762-1943R2020/28; Regionální muzeum v Teplicích; Teplice; Česko

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