Medieval Manuscripts from Muzeum Brněnska

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In 2023, Muzeum Brněnska digitised three more medieval manuscripts from the library of the Benedictine Abbey in Rajhrad. Two volumes (R 352 and R 354) contain parts of the Bible with accompanying texts. The majority of the contents of the codex R 383 consist of works dedicated to Marian devotion - De laudibus virginis Mariae by Augustine of Ancona and Laus Mariae by Conrad of Heimburg; in addition, the manuscript contains writings of other authors of the second half of the 14th century, Matouš from Krakov and Henry of Langenstein, sermons and other texts.


List of documents

Augustinus de Ancona: De laudibus virginis MariaeR 383; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Novum TestamentumR 354; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika
Bibliae pars secundaR 352; Benediktinské opatství Rajhrad; Muzeum Brněnska, p.o.; Rajhrad; Česká republika