
A Manuscript and Early Printed Books from the Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region

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The Museum of the Jindřichův Hradec Region digitised one manuscript and two early printed books in 2022. The manuscript Rk 110 – a Czech prayer book – was written in the second half of the 18th century. The early printed books contain various editions of the prayers of the Capuchin Martin of Cochem. The collection Der grosse Myrrhen-Garten (shelf mark S 109) was printed in Cologne in 1694; the Czech collection Zlatý nebeský klíč [The Golden Key of Heaven] (JK 2498) was published in Jindřichův Hradec around 1760.


List of documents

Martin von Cochem: Der grosse Myrrhen-GartenS 109; Muzeum Jindřichohradecka; Jindřichův Hradec; Česko
[Modlitební knížka]Rk 110; Muzeum Jindřichohradecka; Jindřichův Hradec; Česko
Martin von Cochem: Zlatý nebeský klíčJK 2498; Muzeum Jindřichohradecka; Jindřichův Hradec; Česko

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